Hello everyone, now you can create your own wiki gaming articles on Lesunk Media Wiki just like on Wikipedia. We are using miraheze as wiki platform.
To create a new page, you just need to create a new page by entering the url name for the page you want to create. For example, if you want to create an article called History of Minecraft, just type "History of Minecraft" then your page url would be this: https://wiki.lesunk.com/wiki/History_of_Minecraft
Source: https://wiki.lesunk.com |
After that, you can click the "create this page" button. You can then write wiki articles according to your preferences.
If another user has created the page before, you can edit or add something to the page, unless edit access has been locked ( generally a finished article).
The wikis topic I recommend are about the past eras of Internet services, gaming community history explanations, creators biographies, game histories, information or details about a game.
Create a New Wiki Page
Don't have any idea what content you want to create? Check the example of article created on Lesunk Wiki: https://p.lesunk.com/KBa
Note: Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) unless otherwise noted.